Blitz Battle #1: What Would Have Been Better?

Final position, 1-0

This was one of the earlier blitz games that I had online and based on what I have seen and analyzed from the game, I was somewhat rattled throughout the game and I couldn't think straight. The moves that I made were incoherent and had no purpose whatsoever, it was like I had just played whatever came to mind without having a solid plan backing it up. More than that, I wasn't following the basic guidelines of chess that one should keep in mind so that their play would be reasonable, logical, and stable. Let's leave the deeper ideas that go beyond a few opening moves to the masters, beginners don't need to know all that in lower levels although it could be a good advantage but somebody who is playing a solid game wouldn't easily stumble. So, here is the analysis:

The key here is hindsight. We learn from our mistakes, we learn what not to do and what we can do better next time. Here, I've seen how I've played shaky or dubious moves, not necessarily following any logical reasoning and I've been improving on that since the time I played this game five years ago. I've gotten better in getting playable positions from the opening and my next goal is to improve on developing a plan in the middle game and of course, mastering certain end game positions. That said, I still have a long way to go.


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