Bullet Chess #7: Race Against Time, or Promotion

This was a bit of an intense game as you can see from the final position. And even though I was playing as White and was clearly in a losing position, I actually won this game on time. But I wasn't technically completely losing during the final moves of the game. In fact, I would consider it somewhat equal but time really factors in a lot during those critical moments of the game. So to give a better picture of what I was dealing with in this game, I will show the annotated version.

I kind of had my way for most of the game. I was practically very comfortable even though there were probably some points in the game when I should have broken a sweat over the position but I stayed as cool as a cucumber because I believed that my position was stable and good to play. However, if one were to objectively look at the game, I made several inaccurate decisions which I think led to the position I had in the end game, which was not bad. I was just pretty lucky that I had a central passed pawn which gave me great winning chances especially because it was backed up by both rooks and my king which was also far advanced. In fact, time was my enemy because I made blunders during the latter part, around move 49 wherein the evaluation went from +3 to a dead draw. And it was pretty obvious right after that that it would be a draw. However, I was up on time so that meant it wasn't a draw.

If I were to analyze the game, everything turned in my favor at move 15. It was actually a risky move and according to the computer, it was an equal position. But I wanted to stir the pot and make some chaotic mess to happen, an unclear position wherein the slightest miscalculation can tip the scales to the opposition. But then, I made the wrong move as well after that. Several moves later, most of the pieces were exchanged and the only ones left were a few pawns and the rooks. Of course, I tried to stabilize my position as much as I could and I was even able to walk my king into enemy ranks which made a big difference. That was when things started to heat up and it became a race to see who would get promoted first. Despite having a very strong battery in the center and a seemingly high chance of getting promotion, I made an inaccuracy which led to the drawish position in move 49. Then, my opponent was able to queen but ran out of time.

There are instances when the sands of time are against you but sometimes they are on your side. You just have to be keen on both the position and your time in all circumstances. Otherwise, you will find yourself losing a perfectly winning position, as is the case for a lot of us.


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